Monday 23 February 2015

Important Update

Hi everyone, so as some of you know I have been busy moving house, building a new website and working on my brand so to speak..

Well one important thing, relating directly to this blog, is that all future written content will be hosted on my website .Therefore in order to keep reading up on what I'm doing just head over too

Thanks to blogger for keeping this small random blog running but it's time to step up my game.

So head on over to the new website and check out my content..

Thanks for reading and I'll see you on the other side..


Saturday 29 November 2014

I know I have not updated this blog in a while..

Sorry about that, all will change once I move and hopefully get 100/40 fiber :D 

Funny how internet speed can drastically alter workflow.. Examples being, it currently takes on adverage 12 hours to upload a 350mb video, keep in mind that this is during "off peak" (between 7pm and 7am).. 

I'm very excited that my home town now has fiber infastructure in place and as I said, I'll be maxing out my connection to get 100mbs down and 40mbs up.. Wow that speed (for me) is amazing, I am literally giddy with excitement, I never had internet as a kid, I had to wait until I moved out of home to use it (geographic location was the issue). 

Let's do some quick calculations..

My current upload is usually 800kbs meaning it takes me 1second to upload 100kilabytes :/ 

In ideal circumstances fiber will allow 40mbs upload, this means I can upload 5 megabytes per second! :D

A 500mb video would only take about 1 and a half minutes to upload, opposed to 12 hours for a 350mb video (remember my current connection is highly volatile and frequently drops out but thanks to the YouTube uploader it can resume after the network comes back online )..

Pretty neat huh? ;)

Tuesday 25 November 2014

Sony Pictures Hacked BUT WHY!?

A hacker has managed to... Well .. Hack into Sony Pictures Servers and steal a bunch of files and leaving this message on all computers in SPE's network..

A group or person going by the name #Gop has managed to compromise SPE's servers and is now holding the movie giant hostage. Currently it's still unclear as to why they have been hacked and if any serious data was actually taken (customer info).. It appears the breach is contained in SPE and does not branch out to SCE or Playstation..

This picture was allegedly taken from a staff terminal at SPE and reports are saying that all staff have been told to go home..

The linked files point to a Zip file contains two large (very large) text documents, with what appears to be a file list from SPE's servers. Going by file names alone, the suggested content seems to be mainly pitches, password lists (internal), possibly staff info (phone numbers, email, addresses ect) and financial documents.

Sunday 26 October 2014

PS2 Slimline Power Connector Pinout

A simple pinout which can be used for people looking to portablaise their ps2 slim.

hope this is of help to someone :)


Tuesday 21 October 2014

Youtube Update

Nearly at 200 subscribers :) It may not seem like a lot but I'm happy that I have even one person enjoying my content.

I like to browse my subscribers channels too and find new content like, JayTheVideoGameGuy and TFGaming15
Both Have some really neat videos, so go check them out! :D

Hope to see you in my next video! :D


Monday 6 October 2014

Why I don't watch tv

Now this title may seem odd but I'll explain what I mean.
A year or so ago, I stopped watching Tv, as in I don't have cable or over the air Tv. Basically all I use my tv for nowadays is for my consoles and watching movies/tv shows I WANT TO WATCH..

I feel that a lot of the programs on tv are junk, they are boring puff pieces most of the time and don't actually benefit me (they aren't even entertaining). I found myself wasting time "wading through shows to get to the ones I actually want to watch", also once you get to the show you want, it's littered with poorly timed ad breaks and "network fecal matter" (those stupid banners for another show that take half the screen)..

Another thing is that 99% the "News" is either 2 weeks old or plain out WRONG. Especially when the "news" programs have a "tech expert", it's actually funny watching how bad the "tech expert" is with his facts on the today show. 

Since I stopped wasting hours a day on programs that basically just waste my time, I have found my self with an abundance of time to work on my hobbies..