Tuesday 25 November 2014

Sony Pictures Hacked BUT WHY!?

A hacker has managed to... Well .. Hack into Sony Pictures Servers and steal a bunch of files and leaving this message on all computers in SPE's network..

A group or person going by the name #Gop has managed to compromise SPE's servers and is now holding the movie giant hostage. Currently it's still unclear as to why they have been hacked and if any serious data was actually taken (customer info).. It appears the breach is contained in SPE and does not branch out to SCE or Playstation..

This picture was allegedly taken from a staff terminal at SPE and reports are saying that all staff have been told to go home..

The linked files point to a Zip file contains two large (very large) text documents, with what appears to be a file list from SPE's servers. Going by file names alone, the suggested content seems to be mainly pitches, password lists (internal), possibly staff info (phone numbers, email, addresses ect) and financial documents.

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